What if we told you that herbs used to eliminate phlegm were also found to have anticancer abilities? Is there a greater connection between phlegm and cancer than meets the eye?
How do Western Medicine prescriptions play a role? What do you need to know to stay healthy and keep yourself safe?
Phlegm is often overlooked as an annoying effect of being sick, but according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), it can play a role in the development of cancer. TCM suggests that tumors form from interactions between phlegm obstruction, energy stagnation, blood sluggishness, and heat.
Phlegm can block the channels in your body, blocking the flow of your vital energy. If you think about what your body needs to maintain normal cell function, it makes sense that adding something sticky and slow would throw a big enough wrench in how your body works to initiate cancer formation.
How does cancer form, and how can herbs help?
Cancer occurs when cells undergo out of control growth, leading to tumors. Controlling this growth is crucial for preventing and stopping cancer.
One of the most important mechanisms your cells have for preventing cancer is programmed cell death. If normally programmed cell death does not occur frequently enough, your cells may grow out of control and lead to cancer.
Studies show that many herbs that are used in eliminating phlegm also initiate cell death in cancerous cells. They also play an important role in reducing inflammation, preventing DNA damage for further supporting proper cell growth.
Some of these herbs directly inhibit the growth of specific cancer cells, helping protect you from developing cancer.
How does phlegm play a role in drug resistant cancers?
Research shows that 60% of tumor cells secrete an excess of phlegm. Normal cells only produce phlegm when you need it to flush out sickness, but tumor cells do it all the time?
What does this mean? Cancer cells are smart, they know they must protect themselves against our attempts to get rid of them. They use the excess phlegm to build a shield around themselves and fend off our attempts to eradicate the fast-growing cells.
By using herbs that break down phlegm and initiate cell death in cancer cells, you can help protect your body from cancer. It’s also a safe option that prevents cancer from getting worse.
There’s a lot of moving parts that go into the formation of cancer, and one preventive measure may not be enough to put you completely in the clear. Knowing that reducing your phlegm and making herbs an important step in your daily routine can fend off cancer is just one step toward keeping yourself safe.
One step is better than none at all, but a personalized wellness plan from a trusted natural healthcare provider can help fortify your body against dozens of cancer worsening factors like inflammation, excess phlegm, and more.
Wondering what the right choices for you and your body are? Make an appointment with Good Needles to find out what you need to get yourself healthy and stay that way.