At Good Needles, we like to say “yes, acupuncture can fix that!”
It can be hard to imagine how one treatment can help almost any type of pain, sickness, or disorder. When you learn how this life changing technique works, you’ll understand how it can help you regardless of your health struggles.
How does acupuncture work? How is it so versatile? Here’s what you need to know.
How acupuncture works
Your body is made up of an electromagnetic field. This flow of energy goes through your cells, tissues, muscles, systems, and more to keep everything moving like a well-oiled machine.
When this energy becomes blocked, your body cannot send the right signals to work properly. You’ll start to feel tired, sick, and unhealthy.
This is how hormone disruptions, autoimmune disease, anxiety, and more come about. They’re all manifestations of your body being unable to work properly.
Acupuncture influences this electromagnetic field to correct the way your body interacts with its systems, cells, etc.
Think of acupuncture as a cell phone tower. The metal towers can send specific signals to specific locations to provide connections like Wi-Fi and data.
Acupuncture needles send specific signals to specific locations in your body to create connections between all your cells and systems. This allows your body to recover from illness and pain.
How acupuncture can help anything
Energy blockages are the cause of most problems in your body. Even if another factor initiated the problem, it led to an energy block that has continued to cause problems.
Did you get sick from a germ and struggle to bounce back after? Fighting off the illness took a lot of energy, and your system is now facing a blockage.
Do you struggle with autoimmune disease? Stress, chemicals, environment, or other factors impacted the energy flow of your immune system and now it becomes confused in the presence of harmless allergens.
Do you struggle with perimenopause or hormonal imbalance? The changes in your body as you run out of eggs or face external stressors divert the energy and blood flow to your hormone producing organs.
We could go on, as any problem follows a similar pattern. If you’re curious as to how this applies to your disease, disorder, or symptom, ask when you come in for an appointment.
Any symptom that you face arises because of a blockage of energy. It’s your body telling you that it needs support to recover, kind of like a fire alarm.
Releasing this blockage of energy will allow your body to tap into its natural healing abilities and create the state of wellness it needs to recover. Your body knows exactly what it needs to do, sometimes it just needs help getting there.
If you are healthy, acupuncture can also keep you that way. It keeps this energy flowing strong and fortifies the systems in your body.
Ready to give it a try? At Good Needles, we have extensive knowledge and experience in treating cases that many practitioners struggle to help. Schedule an appointment to get your health back on track.